NYIC Annual Credit Virtual Smorgasbord
Tuesday, May 13, 2025 (11:00 AM - 4:00 PM) (EDT)
Back by popular demand, the Virtual Credit Smorgasbord Conference is a favorite dating back to the late 1970s. Smorgasbord offers multiple educational sessions, networking, and top-notch speakers! Earn up to 4.0 CPE.
11:00AM – Login + Opening Remarks
11:15AM – Panel 1
12:10PM – Panel 2
1:00PM – Networking Break
1:20PM – Panel 3
2:15PM – Panel 4
3:10PM – Panel 5
Event will conclude by 4:00PM
Panel 1: Participations
Moderator, Terry Keating
Raffi Azadian
Panel 2: Women's Division Panel
Panelists TBA
Panel 3: Future Leaders Panel
Panelists TBA
Panel 4: Supply Chain
Moderator, Richard Stehl, Otterbourg P.C.
Panel 5: Sub Chapter V
Moderator, Louis M. Natale, Managing Director, Harney Partners
Honorable Vincent F. Papalia, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of New Jersey
Honorable Louis A. Scarcella, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of New York
Facilitator, Lyndsay Rowland, Shareholder, Starfield & Smith, P.C.
The first 50 registrants will receive a GrubHub gift certificate. Register Early!
Contact skuhns@instituteofcredit.org for sponsorship opportunities.
$75 Corporate Members
$95 Individual Members
$125 Non-Members
Metal Members contact skuhns@instituteofcredit.org to process complimentary registration(s).
Virtual Details will be sent upon registration.